You can select standard number formats (General, Number, Currency, Accounting, Short Date, Long Date, Time, Percentage, Fraction, Scientific, Text) on the home tab of the ribbon using the Number Format menu. The screen below shows the same values in column B and D, but D is narrower and Excel makes adjustments on the fly. Excel will display as many decimal places as space allows, and will round decimals and use scientific number format when space is limited. The display of numbers using the General number format is somewhat "fluid". General is defaultīy default, cells start with the General format applied. Note: you can open Format Cells dialog box with the keyboard shortcut Control + 1. You'll find a complete list of number formats, organized by category, on the Number tab: This button opens the Format Cells dialog box. Below this menu to the right, there is small button to access all number formats, including custom formats: On the home tab of the ribbon, you'll find a menu of build-in number formats. The key thing to understand is that number formats change the way numeric values are displayed, but they do not change the actual values. For example, the table below shows 7 different number formats applied to the same date, January 1, 2019: Input