The mystery of Menae is a lasting fascination for many turian citizens. These days, a few active naval bases dot the moonscape, as well as infantry installations focused on extreme survival training. Menae's geological composition and specifications have been classified ever since. The Turian Hierarchy put Menae in the hands of the military soon after their spacecraft first landed on the moon, immediately halting civilian research and exploration.

Menae is one of two moons orbiting the turian homeworld of Palaven. With every base captured, the Reapers deny the turian fleet another place to repair or refuel. The turians have the advantage on the moon, but the Reapers have the patience to slowly grind them down. With their easy victory stalled, the Reapers deployed a variety of ground units to take the bases one at a time. The Reapers' plans for bombarding the bases were met with fierce resistance by the turian fleet and the moon's antiaerospace defenses.

Images of turian bases where personnel walk without enviro-suits indicate advanced infrastructure-likely a network of subterranean tunnels with powerful mass effect field generators that retain heat and atmosphere over swaths of the surface. However, some information has leaked out. During the Krogan Rebellions, the Hierarchy classified nearly all data on Menae, and its sister moon Nanus, because they feared the krogan could use the moons as weapons by smashing them into Palaven's surface. Their story could even imply that, in some way, every virtual intelligence in Mass Effect is a living being, just with limited intelligence.Palaven's largest moon has been shrouded in secrecy since the dawn of the turian space age. The Geth may have gained consciousness when the first Geth unit asked if it had a soul, but that may also just be the first time they appeared to resemble organic life to a Quarian. The Morning War also implies that the line between virtual intelligence and artificial intelligence is far more blurry than the inhabitants of places like the Citadel would like to believe. When Shepard speaks directly to the Reaper Sovereign in Mass Effect 1, they will always retort that the Reaper is "not even alive! Not really." The story of the Geth, however, suggests otherwise, showing that synthetics in the Mass Effect universe are capable of organic-style behavior from confusion to anger, loyalty, and even an appreciation for symbolism in their preservation of Quarian buildings and creation of memorials. The story of the Geth and the Quarians has huge implications for the Mass Effect universe, and the war with the Reapers.